Spoke - product managers

Engineering Managers

Streamline Team Collaboration & Project Tracking

Efficiently manage engineering projects, and improve team collaboration, with AI-powered summaries, backed by video clips. Automatically synced to your most-used apps: Slack, Trello, Notion, Asana, ....
Simplify Project TrackingEasily monitor project progress and milestones with Spoke's seamless integration with your preferred project management tools. For instance attach each {Notion, Asana} ticket to the relevant meeting moment, automtically.
Enhance Team CollaborationFoster a collaborative environment by automatically adding shared clips, AI summaries, and action items to relevant Slack channels. For instance automatically post daily-standup recaps to the relevant Slack channel.
Create a knowledge base of company knowledge and interactionsSearch through all your company’s video meetings by participant, transcript, or meeting notes. Instantly find the relevant meeting context of any meeting.