Spoke - product managers

Spoke for

Sales Leaders

Automated data extraction and efficient training. Pull crucial data from sales meetings effortlessly into your CRM. Onboard and upskill reps with shared video clips, and efficient async call reviews.
Optimize Sales Processes with Data InsightsLeverage Spoke's data analysis and export to identify best practices and refine your team's sales approach. Discover the most effective strategies and tactics from your top performers, standardize processes, and boost conversion rates.
No-Click CRM Data EntryDefine a meeting template to automatically extract the data you need from your sales meetings. Spoke seamlessly extracts and adds this information as activities in your own CRM, streamlining your sales process and saving time.
Clone Top Performers and Upskill your TeamOnboard new reps with playlists of top performers' highlights, skipping shadowing calls. Boost collaboration and training by sharing, tagging, and commenting on call moments as video clips.