Pricing A Comprehensive Review is an intelligent meeting assistant designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your meetings. Integrated with Microsoft Teams, offers a wide range of features aimed at reducing meeting administration time, enhancing collaboration, and providing comprehensive meeting recording and notes. It's an innovative tool that's trusted by many organizations and has a high customer satisfaction rate [1].

Pricing offers different pricing plans, each providing a varying number of meeting hours per month:

  • The Free plan, which offers 5 meeting hours per month at no cost [1].
  • The Starter plan, offering 15 meeting hours per month for £22.20 per organization per month [1].
  • The Team plan, providing 40 meeting hours per month for £44.94 per organization per month [1].
  • The Enterprise plan, providing custom meeting hours per month with a price that can be determined by contacting [1].

All plans, including the Free plan, come with a free unlimited 14-day trial [1]. The pricing model is based on meeting hours, not the number of users. An organization can add as many users as they want to their account without any additional charges [1].

Key Features offers a wealth of features to help improve meeting efficiency and productivity. These features are designed to cut down meeting administration time, improve collaboration, and provide comprehensive meeting recording and notes [1]. They include:

  • Industry-leading security and privacy.
  • Live chat support, support helpdesk articles, priority support, phone support, and individualized onboarding.
  • Meeting recording features such as audio recording, speaker identification, highly accurate transcription, transcription search, and an auto-join all meetings option.
  • Meeting management features such as agenda management and assignment, agenda template library, centralized meeting minutes, meeting knowledge base, automatic meeting topic identification using AI, and automatic meeting summaries using AI.
  • Meeting collaboration features such as creating action items during meetings, voice-commanded action item creation, action tracking between recurring meetings, action item management, real-time agenda time-boxing, real-time participation tracking, real-time meeting page sharing with team, and sharing meeting recording and notes with the team.
  • Administration features such as user role management and license management.
  • Integration with Microsoft Teams and Jira, with more integrations coming soon [1].

Integration integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams and other popular applications to maximize productivity and reduce unnecessary admin time. Currently, integrates with Microsoft Teams and Jira, and the company has plans to add more integrations in the future [1].

User Feedback and Trust has a high customer satisfaction rate and is trusted by hundreds of organizations. The tool has a 5.0 rating on Microsoft AppSource. On average, users report an

admin time saving of 18 minutes per employee meeting and an average saving of $58 per meeting [1].

Summary is an intelligent meeting assistant that aims to reduce meeting administration time, enhance collaboration, and provide comprehensive meeting recording and notes. It offers different pricing plans based on the number of meeting hours required per month, and all plans come with a free 14-day trial. Its integration with Microsoft Teams and other popular applications enhances its efficiency. With its vast range of features and high customer satisfaction rate, proves to be a valuable tool for any organization looking to improve their meeting efficiency [1].