Gong Features
Gong Features

Gong: How it Works

Gong is an AI-fueled revenue engine that helps organizations transform their customer interactions to increase revenue efficiency and improve decision-making. The software provides an accurate understanding of customer interactions by offering a unified view into these interactions and market dynamics, thereby turning bottom performers into top performers[1].

Gong's Reality Platform

At the heart of Gong is the Reality Platform, which captures a comprehensive set of customer interactions—ranging from video calls, phone calls, and emails—basically anywhere your team interacts with customers or prospects. This feature not only saves your team valuable time but also provides a holistic picture of your market and team[1].

AI and Data Integration

One of Gong's standout features is its innovative AI that processes the full context of customer interactions. It identifies key topics being discussed, top questions, action items, and relationship dynamics. The software provides AI-backed insights that are relevant and specific to your business. These insights can then be transformed into actions within Gong[1].

Furthermore, Gong integrates data across your tech stack automatically, updating data so you have unprecedented visibility across your teams, deals, and pipeline[1]. Gong's Reality Platform has over 100 integrations, providing a single, authentic source of data to boost productivity, align teams, and optimize performance[1].


Gong offers solutions across several critical workflows, all within a single platform.

Deal Execution

With Gong, you get a bird’s eye view of pipeline health, and can address risk before a deal is lost. It allows you to use win/loss data to identify which variables lead to won deals[1].


Gong helps build a coaching program with reality-based data and guidance. It provides a snapshot of soft skills and deal execution skills on your team, and offers personalized guidance so managers can help their team members thrive[1].


With Gong, you can take the guesswork out of forecasting. The software helps you submit an accurate forecast in record time and diagnose and pinpoint changes in your forecast[1].

Strategic Initiatives

Gong helps you make informed decisions with early insights into what’s working — and what’s not. It allows you to track how big bets land in the market and tie initiatives to objectives to prove impact[1].

Understanding Your Business at Scale

With Smart Trackers, Gong’s AI can pick up on crucial concepts across your customer interactions, helping you get ahead of risks and measure the field adoption of initiatives[1] .

Gong's Technical Details

Gong is a web-based platform and is also available as a mobile application on both Apple iOS and Android. It supports multiple languages, including Arabic, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mandarin Chinese, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swiss, Tamil, Telugu, and Turkish[2].

⇒ to be continued: Gong's Implementation, Gong's User Reviews, Gong's Pricing...

[1] gong: https://www.gong.io

[2] trustradius: https://www.trustradius.com