Uses Cases
Uses Cases

Supernormal Software: Delivering Value for Various Jobs

Time Optimization

One of the main ways Supernormal delivers value is by optimizing time. It is designed to help you create meeting notes without having to put in any extra effort, essentially saving you about 10 minutes every meeting (1). This efficiency allows you to stay focused on the conversation at hand, ensuring you remain engaged without having to multitask (1).

Integration and Accessibility

The software is designed to integrate with various tools such as CRM & ATS, including Hubspot, Salesforce, and Pipedrive, which helps close the loop and streamline your workflow (1). It also offers calendar integration and can automatically join calls for a seamless experience (1).

Media Support

Supernormal allows you to easily record audio and video for your meetings with the help of their bot, Norm (1). This means you have the audio and video material from your meetings readily available for reference or review.

Language Support

The software supports note creation in multiple languages, including English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Thai, Turkish, Polish, Romanian, Indonesian, and Vietnamese, making it a versatile tool for multinational teams and companies (1).

Tailored Meeting Notes

Supernormal generates detailed notes tailored to your call type, whether it's strategy meetings, project meetings, sales calls, HR interviews, and more, and can do so in just one click after your meeting is over (1).

Transcription Capability

The software can seamlessly transcribe and record your meetings on platforms like Google Meet, Zoom, and Teams in multiple languages. You can choose to have Supernormal always present, or invite the bot to your meetings for one-off recordings (1).

User Feedback and Case Studies

Users have praised Supernormal for normalizing remote work and removing meeting FOMO, transforming their approach to meetings and adding immense value to their work (1). It has been noted as a great tool for staying in touch while respecting team members' timezones and workflows (2). However, some users expressed the desire for the ability to edit and save meeting notes, highlighting areas for potential improvement (2).

Company Profile

Founded in 2020 by Colin Treseler and Fabian Perez, Supernormal is a San Francisco-based company that aims to deliver end-to-end workflow solutions based on foundational meeting data and develop next-generation tools that deliver actions and insights from conversations across the organization (3) (4). The software employs generative AI tech to create meeting notes by integrating with various conferencing platforms and extracts key details from meetings such as actions and decisions, relying on OpenAI’s text-processing AI to do the summarization work (3).

To be continued: User Experience, Pricing and Affordability, Market Acceptance, Future Development.